Hello! My name is Sum Chan. Nice to meet you! I graduated from UCLA last march in Biochemistry.

This was my first personal web page I've ever created during my undergraduate years. Although it's not really fancy, I hope you'll enjoy it.

In the last year of my undergrad life, I was volunteering in Dr. Jeanne Perry's Protein Expression Laboratory for a year under SRP, the student research program.

Our work mainly focuses on studies of proteins of the pathogenic baczterium Mycobacterium tuberculosis. If you want to know more about the whole project coordinated by the international TB consortium, please visit the following website: TB Structural Genomics Consortium

In the later half of the year, I was assigned, by Dr. Laurence Lavelle, an independent student research project on four proteins of the hyperthermophilic archaeon Pyrobaculum aerophilum. The four genes I was working on encode two helicases, and two DNA-repair proteins. The main goal of the project is to clone these genes into expression vector, transform them into Escherichia coli, try to express the proteins, and then purify them for crystallization.

Protein Expression Lab Dinner, Winter 2001.

Chemistry 125 - Computer in Chemistry, Assignments (Fall 2000 Quarter) Class Webpage

The 2nd assignment - chemistry related and other links

Note: Please download and install the helper program Chime prior to viewing the following links in this section (for Internet Explorer 6.0 or higher running on Windows XP)

The 3rd assignment - creating molecules of optimized energy levels using program Spartan

The 4th assignment - integration of Chime file on a web page and basic commands

The 5th assignment - Chime Demostration on Helix-Hairpin-Helix DNA Glycosylase

Assigment Reference

Final Exam Page

Japanese 60 - Image of Japan, Lecture Note (Winter 2001 Quarter)

Week | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 |

Test Pages:

Chime Test Page

Flash Test Page

I'm glad that I had the chance to go back to my home place, Hong Kong, during the the 2000 winter break and share some quality time with my family and friends.

Preceeding the arrival in Hong Kong, I had a chance to take a brief trip to Tokyo, Japan with my friends. If you'd like to take this journey with me, click HERE !

If you have any comments about this page, you are very welcomed to e-mail me!